Posts in Windows Tips

101 Reasons to Use PureVPN Services

In today’s world of fast-growing internet technology, pure privacy and total security is no longer a luxury. Thanks to Virtual Private Network (VPN) service providers out there for giving us the security that we need and the privacy that we deserve. As of this writing, more and more people are considering a VPN service for the two (2) main reasons above. But how would you know that a particular VPN provider is what you will need amongst the other providers? This article will describe the main features of PureVPN — the… Read More

(SOLVED) “This copy of Windows is not genuine” is showing at the bottom right of screen

This article is for those users of Windows who bought their license and hence it is legal for them to use their version of Windows. The problem here is that, when you first install your Windows Vista or Windows 7, all is well and after few days your screen turns black and at the bottom right corner of your screen is a message saying “This copy of Windows is not genuine“. This message can be correct. Your Windows® Product Key is either NOT valid, or the key that you used during… Read More

(SOLVED) Windows Cannot Connect to Available Wireless Networks

I encountered this weird problem when connecting to wireless networks that I felt the need to share the solution as this might help other people as well. The scenario is that, when I turn on my wireless radio, my Lenovo laptop is able to locate available wireless networks. However, when I will connect to ANY of the wireless network in the list, Windows will return an error. I am using Windows 7 but logically, the solution will still work on other versions of Windows like Vista and 8. The Problem… Read More

Best Practices to Protect your Privacy Online

As the Internet is fast growing, the threats online are growing fast as well. But the most serious threat when going online is individual privacy. How would you ensure that nobody is watching or tracking your online activity? There are millions of websites out there and how would you know that browsing any of these site would not risk disclosing your personal identity? Indeed, ones online privacy is a matter of individual concern and priority. Discussed below are useful tips to protect your online privacy when browsing any website on… Read More

Configuring Windows Components: How To Disable Windows Defender

If you are using Windows Vista or the newer versions of Windows, you might not notice but you have a pre-installed security software called Windows Defender. The good thing is, it is free and it usually comes pre-installed in most systems. The bad thing is, there is no visible option to uninstall it. There are several free antivirus software available today. One of the leading security tool today is Avast. If you intend to use any free or commercial security software, during installation, these security programs are intelligent enough to disable… Read More

Allowing technical support specialist to remotely access and control your computer

When you are having trouble with your computer, the very first thing that you can do is to ASK for help. You can search Google for similar scenarios in thousands or millions of forum sites worldwide for solutions that you can try yourself. When all else fails, you can ask a computer expert for a remote help. It is better, safer and faster form of computer support. With the advancements of computers and the internet today, almost everything is accessible online. Help and assistance is not an exception. If your… Read More

Checking and detecting the hardware components of Windows computers

There are times that you want to know what hardware components are installed in your computer, regardless if it is a desktop computer or a laptop. For instance, you might want to know the exact make and model of your wireless card so that you can check the specifications of this wifi-card in the manufacturer’s website. You might want to know the brand and model of your system’s motherboard so that you will be guided when you perform major component upgrades like adding a physical memory (RAM) or changing your… Read More