One of the fundamental questions that Excel users may find themselves asking is “How to calculate the number of years, months, or days between two given dates?” This article will show the ways or methods in calculating days, months or years between 2 given dates. There are certain situations when you want to know the number of days, months or years. For instance, in computing rentals or amortizations, in comparing usage or consumption, and many other scenarios, knowing how to calculate the days, months and even years will be vital…. Read More
Posts by Jess
How to Avoid Email Scam and Spam
The email population is getting bigger as many people are getting or subscribing to an email account or accounts everyday. Also, there are several email providers today that allows people to create an email account with them for free. Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail and AOL are among them. This is also the main reason why hackers and spammers are targeting emails since hundreds of millions of people are using emails. Therefore, with this great number of emails out there, the more email addresses that the hacker can scrape the web… Read More
Microsoft Excel Tip: How to lock cells and make them un-editable
There are certain times and conditions when you feel the need that other people can only edit or add and modify data from selected cells in your Excel sheet. The rest of the cells in the sheet or workbook must be un-editable. Example of these Excel sheets are survey questionnaires wherein other people can just input their answers but not alter the questions. Others can be a fillable form wherein other people can just enter their personal or other information but the form content and layout are locked for editing…. Read More
Hotmail Tip: How to remove all ads from Hotmail / email views
As you use your powerful and full-featured Hotmail, now called interface, you might have noticed that sometimes, advertisements appear in your Inbox. These ads are cool at times but sometimes, they can be annoying. Ever wonder how to eliminate those ads? Like Gmail, Yandex, or Yahoo Mail, Hotmail ( is also offering their email service for free. As a result, Hotmail runs some ads to monetize their email service and pay for their infrastructure and product improvements through research and development. If you want to have a clean Hotmail… Read More
Gmail Account Recovery
When you first setup your Gmail account, you are given the option to enter an alternate email address. This alternate email address is very useful when you are unable to access your account because you can reset your password and Gmail will then send a reset link to that email account. What do you do with reset link? Well, when you receive a reset link after initiating a password reset for your Gmail, you just need to click on that link, and you will be able to enter a NEW… Read More
Microsoft Excel: Using Data Validation to provide drop-down selection menu
In Excel, there are various ways to provide a drop-down menu in a form or in cells. With drop-down menus, also called combo boxes, you can select an option based on pre-selected data. Samples of data where drop-dowm menus will be useful are gender (Male and Female options), Status (Single, Married, Divorced, etc options) and many others. The major reasons for providing a combo box or drop-down selection menu includes the following: On the other hand, combo boxes or drop-down selection menus are only applicable when: In this article, I… Read More
Hotmail Tip: Cleaning up your Inbox using “Move all from” feature
If you are using Hotmail, with its new “” look-and-feel”, you can now enjoy the benefit of easy organization and cleanup of emails using the cool feature called “Move all from…”. This command is only shown at the top of the message window when an email is selected or displayed. The function of this command is to automatically move the “selected” email message and “all” other messages that came from the same sender to your preferred email folder. Therefore, it is good to create custom email folders first before using… Read More
How to auto-forward your Hotmail emails to another email account
If you have multiple email accounts, managing them is tricky and critical. It is tricky because you need to manage these email accounts, read their mails and respond to them and this is tedious if you have several email accounts with various sets of contacts. It is critical because it is easy to forget the passwords of these accounts and writing your passwords in a sheet of paper to keep track of your passwords is not a safe practice as well as using a single or the same password for… Read More
Recovering Yahoo email account
It is undeniable that Yahoo Mail is one of the pioneering and widely used email service. It comes in two (2) versions: the free account and the Yahoo Mail Plus account that collects a small fee annually. Like any other existing email provider, Yahoo email security is conforming to industry standards providing safety and security for email account owners, both free version and the paid version – Yahoo Mail Plus. The only obvious difference between the two versions of Yahoo Mail is the yahoo mail support. While email accounts are… Read More
How to add another email account (not an alias email account) to your Hotmail
If you are using your Hotmail account for a very long time already, and as you are expanding your business, you might have accumulated other custom-domain email accounts. And switching between emails — from your Hotmail to your company emails, could be tiresome in the long run. The good news is, you can centralize your email access to your Hotmail account. That is, you can receive your company emails, you can send from your company emails, while logged in to your Hotmail account. This is similar to Gmail’s centralized mailing… Read More