Posts tagged Excel Tips

Different ways of creating or providing a drop-down box in Excel

In MS Excel, there are various way to create or provide a combo box or drop-down selection menu. One of the ways is described in my previous article. Besides the data validation method, described below are the other procedures in creating drop-down menu is MS Excel. The most common of the ways to create a drop-down lists are the following: Form Control Combo Box In order to create an ActiveX Control Combo Box, you need to enable your Developer Tab when you are using Excel 2007 and later versions. Click on the… Read More

Data Validation drop-down boxes are missing in a different version on Excel

MS Excel has some known inconsistency or incompatibility when it comes to its data validation list feature. The exact problem is that, if your file contains data validation lists created in Excel 2007, these data validation lists are gone when you open it in Excel 2010. If this “data validation” thing in Excel is new to you or something that you have not tried so far, please read this article for the complete and detailed procedures in creating and using data validation lists:… Let us take as an example… Read More