Gmail has it. And so with Hotmail. If you are using Yahoo Mail, you too have the ability to use a Vacation Reply.

This is a simply email template that Yahoo Mail will send to people who contact you while you are away for a vacation. This Vacation Reply or response is just a simple message informing the people who contatced you through your Yahoo Mail that you are out of the office and can attend to their business needs at a later time.

This feature is applicable when you are using Yahoo Mail with a web browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or others. You just have to enable the feature and set an appointed time when the auto-reply system for your Vacation Reply will take effect.

Here are the steps:

  1. Using your favorite web browser, go to and sign in to your Yahoo! Mail account.
  2. When signed in, click on the small gear icon at the top right corner of the page, then click on Mail Options.
  1. In the new page that shows up, locate and click on “Vacation Response” at the left panel.
  2. Then click to check the option that says “Enable auto-response during these dates (inclusive)”
  3. Then pick the date that you want.
  4. Type in your Vacation Response message.
  5. When done, click on the Save button above it. See the screen shot below:

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