Sometime, when your Google Chrome browser is acting faulty, like when it is too slow to load or when some sites won’t load at all,please try to use other browser like Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer and see if the said site or sites are working. If they do, then the problem is NOT with those sites, but with your Google Chrome browser.

First, clear the browsing history of Google Chrome to get rid of all outdated cookies, huge bulk of cached data and all junk stuffs that the browser is no longer using thus causing only trouble in your system.

How to Clear Browsing History in Google Chrome

  1. Open your Chrome browser
  2. Look at the small wrench icon at the top right corner of the screen right at the end of the address bar
  3. Click on that small wrench icon, point to Tools, then click on “Clear browsing data”
  1. In the screen that follows, click all options except “Clear saved passwords” and “Clear saved Autofill form data”
  2. In the time range to obliterate, click and select the option “the beginning of time”
  3. Then click the “Clear browsing data button”
  1. Close Chrome
  2. Then after 30 seconds open it back and see if it works better this time

Please understand though that the process above will cause all logged in sessions to be logged out. So when you are accessing your email account and you are automatically logged in, you need to sign in now to be able to access your email account. If you have saved passwords, they are kept saved and intact.

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